
  select = dplyr::select
  library(prioritizr) # install.packages("prioritizr")
  # devtools::install_local(here::here(), force=T) 
if (basename(getwd())!="vignettes") setwd(here("vignettes"))

# set rainbow color palette
pal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))
cols <- rev(pal(255))

BBNJ data sets

The core datasets for developing BBNJ scenarios have been made available within the R package using the data-raw/create_data.R script, which also clips input datasets to the high seas, for lazy loading within R. For programs external to R, usable formats (*.tif, *.shp) have been placed into the data-raw/ folder online, which you can access by downloading the latest bbnj

# view list of all datasets in bbnj R package

# get detailed help on any dataset
# ?r_pu_id

# use lazily loaded dataset, not showing in environment
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 360, 720, 259200  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
## data source : /Users/bbest/Gdrive Ecoquants/projects/bbnj/data/derived/boundary/high_seas_cellid_0.5dd.tif 
## names       : high_seas_cellid_0.5dd 
## values      : 1, 251323  (min, max)
# explicitly attach to environment

Planning Units

Using half-degree global raster (resolution of AquaMaps, GFW, …).

# show planning unit id raster
plot(r_pu_id, col = cols, main="pu_id")

PU Cost as Area

Get area for planning units (\(km^2\)):

r_pu_area <- area(r_pu_id) %>%  # in km2

plot(r_pu_area, col = cols, main="pu_area (km2)")

Rescale area for being able to set planning unit budgets to percentages of the global high seas:

A <- cellStats(r_pu_area, "sum")
r_pu_areas <- r_pu_area / A
#cellStats(r_pu_areas, "sum") # 1

plot(r_pu_areas, col = cols, main="pu_areas (sums to 1)")

Conservation Targets


All the species distribution data was generously provided as comma-seperated value (csv) files in a zip package by Kristin Kaschner and Cristina Garilao to Ben Best on Jun 21, 2018 from the extensive work available at to be fully cited (K. Kaschner et al. 2016) whenever used. For details on generating indicators, see Calculate Indicators • gmbi:

Note that a probability ≥ 0.5 was used to convert AquaMaps relative environmental suitability (RES) from continuous [0 - 1] to binary [0,1] (Klein et al. 2015; O’Hara et al. 2017) for generating these two indicators:

  • nspp: number of species, ie species richness

  • rls: Red List Sum (RLS)

The Red List Sum (RLS) is the numerator from the Red List Index (RLI) ((Butchart et al. 2007; Juslén et al. 2016):

\[RLS = \sum_{i=1}^{n_{spp}} w_i\]

We will use only the numerator, the Red List Sum (RLS), of the Red List Index (RLI) to quantify the “endangeredness” of a cell without dilution from being in a species-rich place as the RLI does when averaging the extinction risk for all assessed species. For more details see Calculate extinction risk - Calculate Indicators • gmbi.

These indicators were calculated for all species as well as taxonomic groups defined in Assign taxonomic groups - Calculate Indicators • gmbi.

With rasters from R package marinebon/gmbi, mask rasters to high seas planning units and save into this R package:

##  [1] "nspp_all"                   "nspp_bivalves"             
##  [3] "nspp_chitons"               "nspp_coastal.fishes"       
##  [5] "nspp_corals"                "nspp_crustaceans"          
##  [7] "nspp_echinoderms"           "nspp_euphausiids"          
##  [9] "nspp_gastropods"            "nspp_hydrozoans"           
## [11] "nspp_mangroves"             "nspp_na"                   
## [13] "nspp_non.squid.cephalopods" "nspp_pinnipeds"            
## [15] "nspp_reptiles"              "nspp_sea.spiders"          
## [17] "nspp_seagrasses"            "nspp_sharks"               
## [19] "nspp_sponges"               "nspp_tunas.n.billfishes"   
## [21] "nspp_tunicates"             "nspp_worms"                
## [23] "rls_all"                    "rls_bivalves"              
## [25] "rls_coastal.fishes"         "rls_corals"                
## [27] "rls_crustaceans"            "rls_echinoderms"           
## [29] "rls_gastropods"             "rls_na"                    
## [31] "rls_non.squid.cephalopods"  "rls_pinnipeds"             
## [33] "rls_reptiles"               "rls_sharks"                
## [35] "rls_tunas.n.billfishes"

nspp, all taxa

r_nspp_all <- raster(s_bio_gmbi, "nspp_all")
plot(r_nspp_all, col = cols, main="nspp, all taxa")

nspp, all taxa, area scaled

r_nspp_all_as <- rescale_raster(r_nspp_all, multiply_area=T) # "bio_nspp"

plot(r_nspp_all_as, col = cols, main="nspp, all taxa, area scaled")

nspp, by taxonomic group

grps_nspp <- names(s_bio_gmbi) %>% 
  str_subset("^nspp_") %>% 
  str_subset("_all$", negate=T)
s_bio_nspp_grps <- raster::subset(s_bio_gmbi, grps_nspp)

names(s_bio_nspp_grps) <- names(s_bio_nspp_grps) %>% 
  str_replace("nspp_", "")
plot(s_bio_nspp_grps, col = cols)

rls, all taxa

r_rls_all <- raster(s_bio_gmbi, "rls_all")
plot(r_rls_all, col = cols, main="rls, all taxa")

rls, all taxa, area scaled

r_rls_all_as <- rescale_raster(r_rls_all, multiply_area=T)

plot(r_rls_all_as, col = cols, main="rls, all taxa, area scaled")

rls, by taxonomic group

grps_rls <- names(s_bio_gmbi) %>% 
  str_subset("^rls_") %>% 
  str_subset("_all$", negate=T)
s_bio_rls_grps <- raster::subset(s_bio_gmbi, grps_rls)

names(s_bio_rls_grps) <- names(s_bio_rls_grps) %>% 
  str_replace("rls_", "")
plot(s_bio_rls_grps, col = cols)

Physiographic: Seamounts

Count of seamounts (Kim & Wessel, 2011) in half-degree cells:

plot(r_phys_seamounts, col = cols, main="r_phys_seamounts")

Physiographic: Benthic Seascapes

Area (km2) of 1 thru 11 classes of benthic seascapes (Harris & Whiteway, 2009):

  1. Upper Bathyal, shallow shelf, low DO, very high PP. thick sediment very warm
  2. Lower Bathyal, deep shelf (submerged), marginal plateaus, very high DO, high PP, thick sediment, warm
  3. Lower Bathyal, other ridges and plateaus, marginal plateaus, marginal seas with hilly bottom, steep, very low DO
  4. Lower Bathyal, continental slope see high PP, very thick sediment, warm
  5. Lower Bathyal, island arcs, steep, high DO
  6. Lower Bathyal (Abyssal-Hadal), deep water trenches, island arcs, trenches controlled by fracture zones, volcanic ridges and plateaus, very steep
  7. Abyssal, volcanic ridges and highs, central rift zone, ridge flanks, microcontinents, cold
  8. Abyssal, flat sedimented plains of marginal seas, central rift zone, ridge flanks, marginal seas with hilly bottoms, flat, low DO, thin sediment
  9. Abyssal (Hadal), trenches controlled by fracture zones, deep water trenches, large arched uplifted structures, low PP thin sediment, cold
  10. Abyssal, plains with slightly undulating seafloor, flat abyssal plains, continental rise, very flat, high DO, low PP, very cold
  11. Abyssal, hilly plains, large (arched) uplifted structures, flat abyssal plains, flat, very low PP, very thin sediment
plot(s_phys_scapes, col = cols)

Fisheries: Global Fishing Watch

Raster stack from Global Fishing Watch analysis of high seas (Sala et al, 2018) for half-degree raster of high seas (year of analysis: 2016).

## [1] "fishing_KWH"                       
## [2] "mean_costs"                        
## [3] "revenue"                           
## [4] "mean_scaled_profits"               
## [5] "mean_scaled_profits_with_subsidies"
## [6] "scaled_profits_low_labor_cost"
plot(s_fish_gfw, col = cols)

Gap-Filling Fisheries Layer

Assuming places fished have the least profit, gap fill with minimum value:

r_fish_gfw.profit           <- raster(s_fish_gfw, "mean_scaled_profits") %>% 
r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies <- raster(s_fish_gfw, "mean_scaled_profits_with_subsidies") %>% 

plot(r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies, col=cols, main="r_gfw_profit.subsidies")

Inverting Fisheries for Conservation Target

Fisheries could be included into the optimization in at least a couple ways:

  1. Fisheries as Planning Unit Cost (Minimize). By minimizing the planning unit cost, conservation targets are maximized.

  2. Fisheries as Conservation Target (Maximize Inverse). To reduce friction with fishing industry the maximum profit areas are to be minimized. To achieve this on the conservation target side of the optimization the inverse of the original profit layers is to be used, which can take the form:

\[v_{cell} = 1 - \frac{v_{cell}}{\max(v) - \min(v)}\]

r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies_inv <- rescale_raster(r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies, inverse=T) #, log=T)

hist(r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies, main="r_gfw_profit.subsidies")

hist(r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies_inv, main="r_gfw_profit.subsidies_inv")

plot(r_fish_gfw.profit.subsidies_inv, col=cols, main="r_gfw_profit.subsidies_inv")

Fisheries: U of British Columbia

Raster stack from UBC (Cheung, Lam et al; in draft) of maximum catch potential (MCP; landings in metric tons) of more than 1,000 fish and invertebrates species for (average 1995 to 2014) and (average 2041 to 2060 under ‘business as usual’ climate change scenario GFDL 8.5).

plot(s_fish_ubc, col = cols)

Rescale and Invert

s_fish_ubc_inv  <- rescale_stack(s_fish_ubc, inverse=T)
plot(s_fish_ubc_inv, col = cols)

Priorization Scenarios

p01: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max utility

Maximize diversity of species and habitats, given a budget of 10% of the high seas.

p01_features <- stack(
names(p01_features) <- c(

# hist(r_nspp_all_as); hist(r_rls_all_as); hist(rescale_raster(r_phys_seamounts))

p01_sum <- raster::stackApply(p01_features, rep(1,nlayers(p01_features)), sum) %>% 
plot(p01_sum, col=cols)

p01 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>% # 10% of total high seas area

p01_sol <- solve_log(p01, redo=F)

plot(p01_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p01 solution")

# area of solution
cellStats(r_pu_areas * p01_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.0999999
# calculate how well features are represented in the solution
feature_representation(p01, p01_sol)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp             667.          0.122  
##  2 bio_rls              719.          0.122  
##  3 phys_seamounts      2783.          0.740  
##  4 phys_vents            31.7         0.703  
##  5 phys_scape1          439.          0.0286 
##  6 phys_scape2         1102.          0.0607 
##  7 phys_scape3          912.          0.0744 
##  8 phys_scape4         1969.          0.168  
##  9 phys_scape5         1460.          0.188  
## 10 phys_scape6          612.          0.292  
## 11 phys_scape7            0.444       0.00145
## 12 phys_scape8          278.          0.259  
## 13 phys_scape9           68.4         0.0763 
## 14 phys_scape10           8.60        0.745  
## 15 phys_scape11         705.          0.241


  1. Solve for add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) to determine max relative targets for:
  • all targets: min
  • ea target: max
  1. Switch to add_max_features_objective(budget = 0.1) + add_relative_targets(c(0.3, 0.3, 0))
  2. add BLM
p01_diagnostics <- problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p01_features, budget=0.1)
p01_diagnostics #View(p01_diagnostics)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>            <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp       0.122      0.181
##  2 bio_rls        0.122      0.183
##  3 phys_seamounts 0.740      0.783
##  4 phys_vents     0.703      1.   
##  5 phys_scape1    0.0286     0.491
##  6 phys_scape2    0.0607     0.416
##  7 phys_scape3    0.0744     0.616
##  8 phys_scape4    0.168      0.629
##  9 phys_scape5    0.188      0.630
## 10 phys_scape6    0.292      1.000
## 11 phys_scape7    0.00145    1.000
## 12 phys_scape8    0.259      1.000
## 13 phys_scape9    0.0763     1.000
## 14 phys_scape10   0.745      1    
## 15 phys_scape11   0.241      0.984

p02: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max features

If relative target exceeds amount available, ie p01_diagnostics$rel_each, then target gets essentially dropped, so set to some compromise between full solution (rel_all) and max amount if just that feature chosen (rel_each) as the mean of the two. Do not excessively weight other features, so cap to 0.2 or similar with min.

p02_targets <- p01_diagnostics %>% 
    rel_mean = (rel_all + rel_each) / 2,
    target   = map_dbl(rel_mean, function(x) min(x, 0.2)))
## # A tibble: 15 x 5
##    feature        rel_all rel_each rel_mean target
##    <chr>            <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp       0.122      0.181    0.151  0.151
##  2 bio_rls        0.122      0.183    0.153  0.153
##  3 phys_seamounts 0.740      0.783    0.762  0.2  
##  4 phys_vents     0.703      1.       0.851  0.2  
##  5 phys_scape1    0.0286     0.491    0.260  0.2  
##  6 phys_scape2    0.0607     0.416    0.239  0.2  
##  7 phys_scape3    0.0744     0.616    0.345  0.2  
##  8 phys_scape4    0.168      0.629    0.399  0.2  
##  9 phys_scape5    0.188      0.630    0.409  0.2  
## 10 phys_scape6    0.292      1.000    0.646  0.2  
## 11 phys_scape7    0.00145    1.000    0.501  0.2  
## 12 phys_scape8    0.259      1.000    0.629  0.2  
## 13 phys_scape9    0.0763     1.000    0.538  0.2  
## 14 phys_scape10   0.745      1        0.872  0.2  
## 15 phys_scape11   0.241      0.984    0.613  0.2
p02 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_features_objective(budget = 0.1) %>% 
  add_relative_targets(pull(p02_targets, target)) %>% 
p02_sol <- solve_log(p02, redo=F)

# plot solution
plot(p02_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p02 solution")

# area of solution
cellStats(r_pu_areas * p02_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09996667
# calculate how well features are represented in the solution
feature_representation(p02, p02_sol)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp              829.           0.151
##  2 bio_rls               899.           0.153
##  3 phys_seamounts        759.           0.202
##  4 phys_vents              9.71         0.215
##  5 phys_scape1             0            0    
##  6 phys_scape2             0            0    
##  7 phys_scape3          2194.           0.179
##  8 phys_scape4          2343.           0.200
##  9 phys_scape5          1554.           0.200
## 10 phys_scape6           419.           0.200
## 11 phys_scape7            61.8          0.202
## 12 phys_scape8           215.           0.200
## 13 phys_scape9           179.           0.200
## 14 phys_scape10            2.71         0.234
## 15 phys_scape11          585.           0.200

p03: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max features with weights

Maximize overall biodiversity, given a budget of 10% of all high seas area.

Try to include missed phys_scape1 and phys_scape2 by adding weight.

p03 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_features_objective(budget = 0.1) %>% 
  add_relative_targets(pull(p02_targets, target)) %>% 
  add_feature_weights(c(10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 2, 2, rep(1, 7))) %>% 
p03_sol <- solve_log(p03, redo=F)

plot(p03_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p03 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p03_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09999678
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp              829.        0.151   
##  2 bio_rls               899.        0.153   
##  3 phys_seamounts        752.        0.200   
##  4 phys_vents              9.43      0.209   
##  5 phys_scape1          3076.        0.200   
##  6 phys_scape2           661.        0.0364  
##  7 phys_scape3            11.0       0.000897
##  8 phys_scape4          2343.        0.200   
##  9 phys_scape5             1.11      0.000143
## 10 phys_scape6           419.        0.200   
## 11 phys_scape7            61.3       0.200   
## 12 phys_scape8           216.        0.201   
## 13 phys_scape9           179.        0.200   
## 14 phys_scape10            2.71      0.235   
## 15 phys_scape11          584.        0.200
problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p01_features, budget=0.3, pfx="p05")
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>            <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp         0.403    0.462
##  2 bio_rls          0.405    0.482
##  3 phys_seamounts   0.996    1.000
##  4 phys_vents       0.987    1.   
##  5 phys_scape1      0.144    1.000
##  6 phys_scape2      0.261    0.995
##  7 phys_scape3      0.367    1.   
##  8 phys_scape4      0.368    1.000
##  9 phys_scape5      0.425    0.997
## 10 phys_scape6      0.564    1.000
## 11 phys_scape7      0.167    1.000
## 12 phys_scape8      0.621    1.000
## 13 phys_scape9      0.285    1.000
## 14 phys_scape10     0.830    1    
## 15 phys_scape11     0.493    1.
p01_diagnostics <- problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p01_features, budget=0.1)
p01_diagnostics #View(p01_diagnostics)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>            <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp       0.122      0.181
##  2 bio_rls        0.122      0.183
##  3 phys_seamounts 0.740      0.783
##  4 phys_vents     0.703      1.   
##  5 phys_scape1    0.0286     0.491
##  6 phys_scape2    0.0607     0.416
##  7 phys_scape3    0.0744     0.616
##  8 phys_scape4    0.168      0.629
##  9 phys_scape5    0.188      0.630
## 10 phys_scape6    0.292      1.000
## 11 phys_scape7    0.00145    1.000
## 12 phys_scape8    0.259      1.000
## 13 phys_scape9    0.0763     1.000
## 14 phys_scape10   0.745      1    
## 15 phys_scape11   0.241      0.984

p04: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max utility with BLM

Add clumping.

From the marxan manual 1.8.10.pdf (p. 22-23): Boundary Length Modifier As a very rough guide, a good starting place for the BLM is to scale it such that the largest boundary between planning units becomes a similar order of magnitude to the most expensive planning unit. For instance, if your highest planning unit cost is 100 and your longest boundary is 1000, you may want to start the BLM at 0.1. Note that it is usually best to explore a range of values that are separated using a fixed multiplier; e.g., 0.04, 0.2, 1, 5, 25 – where in this example, these values are each multiplied by 5. Typically, the values are increased exponentially or by orders of magnitude in order to sample a range of values and choose one that balances the order of magnitude of competing terms of the objective function.

Using same formulation as p01 + BLM.

# set clumping parameter based on BLM advice in Marxan manual, exp't with p01
blm <- cellStats(r_pu_areas, "max") / 0.5 * 10000
## [1] 0.2647405
p04 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>%
  add_boundary_penalties(blm, 1) %>% 

p04_sol <- solve_log(p04, redo=F)

plot(p04_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p04 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p04_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09999998
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp               815.         0.149 
##  2 bio_rls                869.         0.148 
##  3 phys_seamounts        1386.         0.369 
##  4 phys_vents              20.1        0.446 
##  5 phys_scape1            205.         0.0133
##  6 phys_scape2            977.         0.0538
##  7 phys_scape3            565.         0.0460
##  8 phys_scape4           2675.         0.228 
##  9 phys_scape5           1241.         0.160 
## 10 phys_scape6            528.         0.252 
## 11 phys_scape7              0          0     
## 12 phys_scape8            333.         0.310 
## 13 phys_scape9            126.         0.141 
## 14 phys_scape10            11.6        1     
## 15 phys_scape11           893.         0.306

p05: Biodiversity Centric, 30%, max utility

Maximize diversity of species and habitats, given a budget of 30% of the high seas.

p05 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.3) %>%

p05_sol <- solve_log(p05, redo=F)

plot(p05_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p05 Solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p05_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.2999999
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp             2209.           0.403
##  2 bio_rls              2385.           0.405
##  3 phys_seamounts       3742.           0.996
##  4 phys_vents             44.6          0.987
##  5 phys_scape1          2210.           0.144
##  6 phys_scape2          4734.           0.261
##  7 phys_scape3          4505.           0.367
##  8 phys_scape4          4308.           0.368
##  9 phys_scape5          3298.           0.425
## 10 phys_scape6          1183.           0.564
## 11 phys_scape7            51.3          0.167
## 12 phys_scape8           668.           0.621
## 13 phys_scape9           255.           0.285
## 14 phys_scape10            9.59         0.830
## 15 phys_scape11         1441.           0.493

p06: Fisheries Centric, 10%, max utility

Goal: Protect habitats with strong focus on minimizing impacts to fishing profits.

  • To have inverse fishing as a target
p06_features <- stack(
  raster(s_fish_ubc_inv, "mcp_2004"),
names(p06_features) <- c(
# hist(r_nspp_all_as); hist(r_rls_all_as); hist(rescale_raster(r_phys_seamounts))

p06_sum <- raster::stackApply(p06_features, rep(1,nlayers(p06_features)), sum) %>% 
plot(p06_sum, col=cols)

p06 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p06_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>% # 10% of total high seas area
p06_sol <- solve_log(p06, redo=F)

plot(p06_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p06 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p06_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09999991
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature          absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                    <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 fish_profit.subs     26247.         0.272   
##  2         24886.         0.253   
##  3 phys_seamounts         681.         0.181   
##  4 phys_vents               2.00       0.0443  
##  5 phys_scape1              4.11       0.000267
##  6 phys_scape2           3262.         0.180   
##  7 phys_scape3             18.9        0.00154 
##  8 phys_scape4           1669.         0.142   
##  9 phys_scape5            510.         0.0656  
## 10 phys_scape6             50.2        0.0239  
## 11 phys_scape7              0.636      0.00208 
## 12 phys_scape8              5.71       0.00531 
## 13 phys_scape9            131.         0.146   
## 14 phys_scape10             0          0       
## 15 phys_scape11           288.         0.0987
p06_diagnostics <- problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p06_features, budget=0.1)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature           rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 fish_profit.subs 0.272       0.298
##  2     0.253       0.259
##  3 phys_seamounts   0.181       0.783
##  4 phys_vents       0.0443      1.   
##  5 phys_scape1      0.000267    0.491
##  6 phys_scape2      0.180       0.416
##  7 phys_scape3      0.00154     0.616
##  8 phys_scape4      0.142       0.629
##  9 phys_scape5      0.0656      0.630
## 10 phys_scape6      0.0239      1.000
## 11 phys_scape7      0.00208     1.000
## 12 phys_scape8      0.00531     1.000
## 13 phys_scape9      0.146       1.000
## 14 phys_scape10     0           1    
## 15 phys_scape11     0.0987      0.984


  1. Solve for add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) to determine max relative targets for:
  • all targets: min
  • ea target: max
  1. Switch to add_max_features_objective(budget = 0.1) + add_relative_targets(c(0.3, 0.3, 0))
  2. add BLM

p07: Fisheries Centric, 30%, max utility

Goal: Protect habitats with strong focus on minimizing impacts to fishing profits.

  • To have inverse fishing as a target
p07 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p06_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.3) %>% # 10% of total high seas area
p07_sol <- solve_log(p07, redo=F)

plot(p07_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p07 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p07_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.3
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature          absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                    <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 fish_profit.subs       50429.         0.523 
##  2           46622.         0.474 
##  3 phys_seamounts          1743.         0.464 
##  4 phys_vents                17.1        0.380 
##  5 phys_scape1             1536.         0.0998
##  6 phys_scape2             8041.         0.443 
##  7 phys_scape3             1245.         0.102 
##  8 phys_scape4             6165.         0.526 
##  9 phys_scape5             1827.         0.235 
## 10 phys_scape6              369.         0.176 
## 11 phys_scape7               38.2        0.125 
## 12 phys_scape8               93.1        0.0866
## 13 phys_scape9              380.         0.424 
## 14 phys_scape10               0          0     
## 15 phys_scape11            1023.         0.350
p07_diagnostics <- problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p06_features, budget=0.3, pfx="p07")
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature          rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 fish_profit.subs  0.523     0.553
##  2      0.474     0.490
##  3 phys_seamounts    0.464     1.000
##  4 phys_vents        0.380     1.   
##  5 phys_scape1       0.0998    1.000
##  6 phys_scape2       0.443     0.995
##  7 phys_scape3       0.102     1.   
##  8 phys_scape4       0.526     1.000
##  9 phys_scape5       0.235     0.997
## 10 phys_scape6       0.176     1.000
## 11 phys_scape7       0.125     1.000
## 12 phys_scape8       0.0866    1.000
## 13 phys_scape9       0.424     1.000
## 14 phys_scape10      0         1    
## 15 phys_scape11      0.350     1.

p08: Integrated, 10%, max utility

Integrated “kitchen sink”

p08_features <- stack(
  raster(s_fish_ubc_inv, "mcp_2004"),
  raster(s_fish_ubc_inv, "mcp_2050"),
names(p08_features) <- c(

p08 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p08_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>% # 10% of total high seas area
p08_sol <- solve_log(p08, redo=F)

plot(p08_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p08 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p08_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09999991
## # A tibble: 18 x 3
##    feature          absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                    <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp                93.2        0.0170  
##  2 bio_rls                150.         0.0256  
##  3 fish_profit.subs     25567.         0.265   
##  4         25302.         0.257   
##  5 fish_mcp.future      25280.         0.257   
##  6 phys_seamounts         579.         0.154   
##  7 phys_vents               1.86       0.0411  
##  8 phys_scape1              3.68       0.000239
##  9 phys_scape2           3380.         0.186   
## 10 phys_scape3             24.8        0.00202 
## 11 phys_scape4           1686.         0.144   
## 12 phys_scape5            514.         0.0661  
## 13 phys_scape6             56.3        0.0269  
## 14 phys_scape7              0.636      0.00208 
## 15 phys_scape8              5.40       0.00503 
## 16 phys_scape9            158.         0.176   
## 17 phys_scape10             0          0       
## 18 phys_scape11           296.         0.101
p08_diagnostics <- problem_diagnostics(r_pu_areas, p08_features, budget=0.1, redo=F)
## # A tibble: 18 x 3
##    feature           rel_all rel_each
##    <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp         0.0170      0.181
##  2 bio_rls          0.0256      0.183
##  3 fish_profit.subs 0.265       0.298
##  4     0.257       0.259
##  5 fish_mcp.future  0.257       0.259
##  6 phys_seamounts   0.154       0.783
##  7 phys_vents       0.0411      1.   
##  8 phys_scape1      0.000239    0.491
##  9 phys_scape2      0.186       0.416
## 10 phys_scape3      0.00202     0.616
## 11 phys_scape4      0.144       0.629
## 12 phys_scape5      0.0661      0.630
## 13 phys_scape6      0.0269      1.000
## 14 phys_scape7      0.00208     1.000
## 15 phys_scape8      0.00503     1.000
## 16 phys_scape9      0.176       1.000
## 17 phys_scape10     0           1    
## 18 phys_scape11     0.101       0.984

p09: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max utility with weights

Maximize overall biodiversity, given a budget of 10% of all high seas area.

Try to include missed phys_scape1 and phys_scape2 by adding weight.

p09 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>%
  add_feature_weights(c(100, 100, 10, 10, rep(1, 11))) %>% 

p09_sol <- solve_log(p09, redo=T)

plot(p09_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p09 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p09_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.1000005
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp              959.          0.175 
##  2 bio_rls              1045.          0.177 
##  3 phys_seamounts        927.          0.247 
##  4 phys_vents             18.0         0.399 
##  5 phys_scape1           441.          0.0287
##  6 phys_scape2          1606.          0.0885
##  7 phys_scape3          1121.          0.0914
##  8 phys_scape4          1510.          0.129 
##  9 phys_scape5           906.          0.117 
## 10 phys_scape6           549.          0.262 
## 11 phys_scape7            21.5         0.0701
## 12 phys_scape8           380.          0.353 
## 13 phys_scape9           189.          0.211 
## 14 phys_scape10            8.60        0.745 
## 15 phys_scape11          780.          0.267

p04: Biodiversity Centric, 10%, max utility with BLM

Add clumping.

From the marxan manual 1.8.10.pdf (p. 22-23): Boundary Length Modifier As a very rough guide, a good starting place for the BLM is to scale it such that the largest boundary between planning units becomes a similar order of magnitude to the most expensive planning unit. For instance, if your highest planning unit cost is 100 and your longest boundary is 1000, you may want to start the BLM at 0.1. Note that it is usually best to explore a range of values that are separated using a fixed multiplier; e.g., 0.04, 0.2, 1, 5, 25 – where in this example, these values are each multiplied by 5. Typically, the values are increased exponentially or by orders of magnitude in order to sample a range of values and choose one that balances the order of magnitude of competing terms of the objective function.

Using same formulation as p01 + BLM.

# set clumping parameter based on BLM advice in Marxan manual, exp't with p01
blm <- cellStats(r_pu_areas, "max") / 0.5 * 10000
## [1] 0.2647405
p04 <- problem(r_pu_areas, p01_features) %>%
  add_max_utility_objective(budget = 0.1) %>%
  add_boundary_penalties(blm, 1) %>% 

p04_sol <- solve_log(p04, redo=F)

plot(p04_sol, col = c("grey90", "darkgreen"), main = "p04 solution")

cellStats(r_pu_areas * p04_sol, "sum")
## [1] 0.09999998
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##    feature        absolute_held relative_held
##    <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 bio_nspp               815.         0.149 
##  2 bio_rls                869.         0.148 
##  3 phys_seamounts        1386.         0.369 
##  4 phys_vents              20.1        0.446 
##  5 phys_scape1            205.         0.0133
##  6 phys_scape2            977.         0.0538
##  7 phys_scape3            565.         0.0460
##  8 phys_scape4           2675.         0.228 
##  9 phys_scape5           1241.         0.160 
## 10 phys_scape6            528.         0.252 
## 11 phys_scape7              0          0     
## 12 phys_scape8            333.         0.310 
## 13 phys_scape9            126.         0.141 
## 14 phys_scape10            11.6        1     
## 15 phys_scape11           893.         0.306

TODO: near-term

  1. add_locked_out_constraints() for mining leased areas
  2. Explore Solution portfolios solves for stack of alternative raster solutions.

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